Archbold Biological Station 2013 Link
Kari spent a few weeks at the station during her spring 2013 research leave.
Click the thumbnail of each image to display a larger version.
Sunset at Archbold
Cought with a mouthful
Classic Vulture pose
Stuck his tongue out at me.
Sandhill crane
Scrub lizard
Gall on an oak
The requisite Prodoxus photo
Another cool Quersus gall
Rat snake
A fern leaf
Leaf litter
Hanging in the scrub
Palafoxia feayi
Oak toad
Metallic beetle
Green anole
An odd site in the scrub
Highlands Hammock SP
Hunting lizards
Yucca aloifolia post-fire
Red Shouldered hawk
Mom and her babies
Orchard spider